The following was copied from everything   On Guard is some Amazing stuff.

doTERRA makes a number of products to make it easier to use the On Guard blend.  These include throat drops, hand wipes, and a foaming hand wash with a push top dispenser.  Click here for more information about these products.

Apply to surfaces to kill germs and pathogens. Diffuse in rooms to provide immune support and to rid the area of bacteria, viruses, mold, and fungi.

Apply topically with massage to feet, back, neck and shoulders to offer immune support.

Apply with lymphatic massage at the onset of or during illness. The oils included in this type of blend are GRAS.

Take 2-3 drops per day orally for 3 days prior to surgery and apply with massage to strengthen immune system and guard against infection.

Take orally with honey, agave, or juice at the onset of nagging symptoms of cold, flu, and viruses.

At the onset of sore throat or to fight laryngitis, place 2-3 drops in ¼ cup of water, gargle, swish and pull for 5 minutes, then spit. Take 2 drops internally.

Add 2-3 drops of protection blend and 1 drop of Lemon in 1 tablespoon of olive oil and take internally every hour up to 8 hours while relief comes from gallbladder attacks. One can apply similarly using digestive blends.

Add several drops to distilled water in a spray bottle and use the mixture to disinfect surfaces in the kitchen and bathroom.

ON GUARD by Robert James

52 Top uses for On Guard antimicrobial blend of essential oils.

1. Mix with a tblsp of water, gargle for 1 minute then swallow at the on-set of a sore throat.

2. Put 5 drops Oregano and 5 drops on guard in a 00 capsule and take 3 times daily at the on set of cold or flu symptoms.

3. Put on the soles children's feet at night during cold & flu season to support immune system.

4. Put several drops on a bowl of hot – hot water and Breathe in the vapors as it begins to volatilize when you have lung congestion.

5. Put 50 drops in a spray bottle with 30 oz of distilled water. Shake often and use to sanitize kitchen and bathroom surfaces.

6. Add to your dishwasher for micro clean dishes.

7. Add to your laundry cycle for micro clean clothes.

8. Add to your mop water for cleaner floors.

9. Apply to bee and insect stings to neutralize the toxin and relieve the pain.

10. Gargle and brush daily for healthy teeth and gum's and to prevent and treat gum disease.

11. Apply to gum's and teeth, or swish with 5 drops of on guard & 1tbsp of water for pain relief from toothaches and after dental work.

12. Diffuse in homes or business to kill air borne pathogens, inhibit mold and build immune systems.

13. Put a few drops on air filters when changing them to kill pathogens in the duct work.

14. Add to Emergen-C or Orange juice to help congestion and fight flu and cold.

15. Put a drop in your mouth and push or squeeze it around to relive smoking urges. (enhance with an extra drop or two of Clove.)

16. For warts, apply topically, rotating between Oregano & Frankincense.

17. Apply a drop on a pets sore or wound to enhance healing.

18. Have the diffuser going in your home when the kids come home to ward off germs.

19. Make an anti-biotic blend using On Guard (12 drops) Oregano (6 drops) Frankincense (2 drops) in a 00 gel cap.

20. Add 15 drops to every cup of corn starch, mix and sprinkle on carpet. Rake, leave for 1 hour then Vacuum for micro clean carpet.

21. Mix a 2-3 drops of on guard and 2 drops of Lemon EO with honey or agave in a teaspoon for a cold or cough relief medicine for kids.

22. Gargle with 1 tbps of water and 1 drop each of Lemon and on guard hourly for laryngitis.

23. Put several drops on the HVAC vents of a hotel room or office to kill airborne pathogens and germs.

24. Mix with baking soda to clean bathtubs.

25. Apply neat to the toes and nails to combat fungus.

26. Combine 2 tbps of water with 5 drops of on guard in a small glass and store your toothbrush overnight to sanitize.

27. Use a 50/50 mix of on guard and purified water and spray onto oven interior. Leave for 15 minutes, then wipe away greasy spots.

28. Apply to hands to remove stubborn, sticky substances like tree sap.

29. Add to the water in your vacuum cleaner/steamer to disinfect the carpet.

30. Put a few drops in your vacuum bag to kill pathogens.

31. Put 15 drops in a 6oz spray bottle, shake and spray rooms, desks, or bed sheets to protect against pathogens.

32. Clean the upholstery and dashboard of your car.

33. Gargle with on guard and 1 tbsp of water prior speaking engagements or singing performances.

34. Rub on stains as a pre-wash stain remover.

35. Add 3 drops to your tooth brush and brush every day for a healthy mouth and to prevent cavities, gum disease.

36. Apply to teeth that have been damaged or broken to help them heal.

Make an on guard spray with 15 drops for every 6 oz of water, use the spray for:

37. Wipe doorknobs and other things touched by the public.

38. Wipe dirty piano keys to clean and disinfect.

39. Use to clean childrens hands when traveling.

40. Use on the steering wheel and gearshift of your vehicle.

41. Use on public telephones to remove germs.

42. Use on public computer keyboards and mice.

43. Use as an underarm deodorant.

44. Spray on hands before and after shaking hands with a lot of people.

45. Spray in public restrooms on airplanes to reduce airborne bacteria.

46. Carry for protection in countries with cholera, malaria or dysentery.

47. Use as an air freshener for cooking odors or other unwanted smells.

48. Take to the gym and spray all the equipment you use.

49. Take to the supermarket and use to disinfect shopping cart handles.

50. Use in the classroom for desks, tables and other items handled by children.

51. Spray in your mouth and throat at first onset of cold or bronchitis.

52. Spray on shower stalls and bathroom walls to disinfect and remove mold.
Triceps, Biceps, Back.  It all needs to be worked on.  Today Patrick had me do some lifts that I still don't know the name of.  First, we warmed up with 15 reps 20lbs kettle bell swings.   I wonder when I should tell him that its too easy?  Well, maybe next time.  Then I stepped into a first.  You stand between the machines and pull on the cables from both sides.  I stepped forward and did air flexing.   That's the best I can explain.  Worked the Biceps and, wow, I only had 5lbs on each side.   I felt humbled.  Lat Pull Downs I've done since High School so I cranked up the weight.  However, today, Patrick corrected my form, and I now official use my back muscles instead of my arms.  Whoops.   So those three exercises were 1 group.  I did three sets.

The second group was a bicep hammer curl using cables.  A modified row using cables.  A tricep pull using cables and another type of rowing exercise where I pretended I was opening French doors.   Good bicep workout.

Breakfast.   Shake.   1/2 avocado.  Slim & Sassy Chocolate 1 scoop. 8 oz of almond milk.
I also took my Lifelong Vitality Pack and drank Slim & Sassy.  I like the flavor, but at this point, the craving for chocolate doesn't exactly go away.  And, I seem to be craving carbs more.

I took a bath and put 8 drops DigestZen in the water.   Too much.  Made my legs burn.  So far I liked the effect that rubbing 1 drop on the belly did for me.  I had 3 or 4 bowel movements today and found myself urinating more frequently.

I found a gazillion uses for On Guard.   Amazing stuff. 

This morning my body popped me out of bed around 5:40am.  I wanted to sleep more, but decided I might as well go to the gym.

Got there and started with foam rolling.  About 6:40, Patrick, my trainer, came over and asked if we were scheduled for the day. 
-"Well, my 6:30 cancelled and I had incorrectly penciled you in for 7am today, do you want have a training sesson even though you are scheduled for Wednesday?"
-"Yep, let's go."

I want to trim down my legs and burn the fat found there.  In High School I had rock solid thighs, and with my workouts I can feel those muscles forming under the 2 inch fat layers.   Like to see that melt away.  So Patrick said we'd basically AMRAP.  

Hip Sled.  Regularly stance.  135 pounds.  As many reps as possible.   The first set I think I did 50, 35, 30, 30, 30.   Those burneth!
Hip Sled.  Wide stance.  115 pounds.  The squatting motion hurt my back on the 135 so we lightened it.  I could typically AMRAP 20-30
Calf Walking.   I am very awkward when it comes to balance.  All I had to do is walk around the gym twice rolling in a heel to toe motion.  While on the toe, it became a toe rise and I was to tighten my calf.   Ha.  I kept losing my balance.  The last set I chose to lift up my arms in goal post fashion with my shoulders back and head up.  Might as well work on posture while working on balance.

So if that wasn't enough I decided to do a cool down with 20 minutes of walking and a swim for 1/2 hour.  I practiced making the "s" motion in the water.  How can something like an "s" be so complicated?  I found gulping water came with the practice.

Was going to stop but thought I would go to spin class too.   There's the cardio!  Wished I had my inhaler with me today.  I was so tired when I got home, I fell asleep.   Later, I rubbed on doTerra Deep Blue.  I am going to see if it really takes away the aches.

Sipping On Guard and Slim and Sassy.    I can feel a cold coming on and I had not diffused or sipped On Guard for a week now.   Come to think of it, when I starting using On Guard, my cold went away.  For this week I have not used it and I have a drippy nose and like I'm catching a cold.  

There may actually be something to this!

After doing some research last night, I realize that I many symptoms that I read about fibromyalgia relate to me.  Muscle soreness/stiffness that takes several hours to leave in the morning.  Takes me longer to stretch and feel the stretch when exercising.  Knots and trigger points have been a staple in my life.  I lament that I have limited access to a personal massage therapist.  Ironically, grandma does some of the best trigger point work on me.   Also, I have discovered foam rolling!  Ah, the blessed foam roller.  I live by it.

An overactive sympathethic nervous system also links to fibromyalgia.  When I went to the chiropractor at the height of my weight gain, he diagnosed me with a symptom of where the muscles are constantly engaged and therefore where out and don't function properly.  He did some treatments on me to "trick" my muscles and disengage them.   I also started deep breathing which especially relaxes my levator muscles.   After reading last night, I found that hypersensitivity to being startled may be an indicator of an overactive sympathethic nervous system.   My system thinks its on the fight or flight mode.  My husband can attest to how simply I get startled.  Oh, wait, so can my brother, and my sister.   I think its a joke to them.   Many times the startle makes my chest and hands shake, changes my breathing, and increases my heart rate to an uncomfortable level.

That said,  if it really is fibromyalgia, perhaps the effects are more mild now since I have been exercising.  In fact, I let my exercising slide over the holidays just because and found that the hip and joint pain came back.  My night's sleep was restless and my shoulders and neck ached too.  I think I may have new meaning to keeping fit.   Staying away from pain!    I wanted to win lots of money with the competition I did last year.  Honestly, when I won nothing--even though I got to the finalist circle--I was rebellious and stopped following the program.  (Thus the holiday story is partly true...that was just an excuse to be rebellious, eat nasty and be lazy).  So my new meaning is about mobility more than being ultra sexy in a swimsuit.

Exercise and diet are known to control the effects.  I am certainly sympathetic for those who have this pain chronically.  I feel blessed that walking in the morning and foam rolling lessen the effects of it for me.
Three years ago, I got out of bed and couldn't walk on my feet.  Over several years, I had come to accept that my hips would stiffen and didn't walk in the mornings, but my feet stung from my knee down--this was new. I had hit my all time weight of 225 and decided I needed to change.  I had been seeing a chiropractor and a massage therapist regularly several years before to relieve back and shoulder pain.  Additionally, I had a leg that wouldn't engage when lifted due to what one chiropractor called PRRT.  

I have tried Weight Watchers, Atkins, Biggest Loser and always had a modicum of success.  I joined community and friendly weight loss competitions, I even tried HCG.   Last year was my biggest success of all, losing 53 lbs (but I've gained back 15lbs due to the holidays). At first I had to use an inhaler just to walk a mile or do fifteen minutes of aerobics, but now I only use it when I do intense cardio.  I haven't had to go to a chiropractor, and good news, my feet don't hurt! Last year, I ran two 5k, a 10k dirty dash, and a sprint triathlon.   I am excited about the new health that I have found.

With that said, I want to try doTerra because I have slipped and plateaued.   In every program I've tried I plateau around the same weight.   However, losing weight is less of a concern than having visceral fat.  I am still 28% fat and would like to lower this number to an athletic range.  I have heard good things about the energy that the Lifelong Vitality Pack gives and hope to find that the Slim and Sassy system can kick me over my plateau and into a new range of fitness.

Since this is a three-month challenge I hope to be realistic. 

First,  I want to be able to do a full pull up.  Crazy, I know.  But its a pull up and I have yet to do a complete one!

Second, I want to tackle the visceral fat lurking inside my body.  This week I purchased an OMRON fat loss monitor that said I am at 28%.  I am not certain how much fat a person can loss healthily within 3 months, so I am going to aim for an 8% loss and try to be at 20%.

Third,  I want to increase my strength in my triceps.  The lift I will use to measure this progress is called a bent over row tricep kickback.  Currently, I can lift about 5lbs for 18-20 reps to fatigue.  I want to increase this weight and performance to 15 lbs per arm.

Fourth, I want to change certain health habits.  I plan to chart my water intake aiming for a minimum of 2 liters daily.  My goal is compliance of 87% or better.

Fifth.  Bonus goal.  Inches.  I am scared of this one because my inches simply like to cling to me.  Waist: 33 to 28 inches.  Hips:  41 to 38 inches.  Thigh: 21 to 19.  Arms: 10.5 to 10 and tone up.

And sixth.  How do you measure internal happiness?  My hope would be for increased strength, energy, and joy to share with those around me.  So I will journal my experience on a blog site.  To meet my goal, I must write at least 3 times a week.


    I love DIY shows and art projects.  So I've turned my own body into a DIY project and plan to do some sculpting.
    This blog follows food intake, workouts, supplements, moods, and goals.  Oh, maybe a thought or two and a story also.


    January 2013


    Workout Log